[PR] SVBONY SV220: TEST DRIVE a brand-new product of OIII & Hα FWHM 7nm dual narrow band filter


SVBONY's brand-new product is OIII (500.7nm) and Hα  (656.3nm) FWHM 7nm* dual narrow band filter, called by SV220.

This  prototype filter was provided from SVBONY and I conducted the shooting test for various nebula under the bright and dark sky.

Sample package

Transmission wavelength of SV220 filter

SV220, to be released by SVBONY, is a filter for photographing nebulae by transmitting two wavelengths, OIII and Hα (FWHM 7 nm*) for the color CMOS camera. It is the ultimate filter for photographing diffuse nebulae even in light-polluted or moonlit environments.

Similar filters are available from other companies. For example.
  • ZWO Duo Band Filter (OIII side has wider FWHM)
  • STC Astro Duo NarrowBand Filter (FWHM 12-13nm)
  • IDAS NBZ (FWHM 11.8nm)
  • OPTOLONG L-eXtreme (FWHM 7nm)
  • Optolong L-Ultimate (FWHM 3nm)
*NOTE: The FWHM of the prototype was 6nm, but the mass production product is 7nm.

This is the appearance of the filter. This is a prototype and may be changed in the commercial product.

Impressions from actual use

1) The prototype filter frames were too tall to use with the drop-in filter slider. We have requested SVBONY to change the frame to a thinner one.

2) Ghosting occurs on bright stars, although not as bad as L-eXtreme.

3) FWHM 7nm strongly cuts light pollution. Of course, in areas where the sky is darker, background levels are more suppressed, allowing for longer exposures.

4) A greenish cast will occur in the captured image. This is unavoidable, as it always occurs with filters that pass OIII.

5) I do not know what the price range** will be, but if it is the same price or cheaper than L-eXtreme, it will completely eclipse L-eXtreme filter.

**NOTE: SVBONY just announced the price:  18,980 JPY!! It is amazingly low price!!


I will conduct to take new photo and up-to date here.

Heart Nebula (IC1805)

Sep.30, 2022. Oshinohakkai, Yamanashi Prefecture, JAPAN


ASI2400 MC PRO Gain 260 Bin1 180sec x 3 stacked 

North American Nebula (NGC 7000, Sh2-117)

Sep.30, 2022. Oshinohakkai, Yamanashi Prefecture, JAPAN


ASI2400 MC PRO Gain 260 Bin1 60sec x 15 stacked

Elephant's Trunk nebula(IC1396)

Sep.30, 2022. Oshinohakkai, Yamanashi Prefecture, JAPAN


ASI2400 MC PRO Gain 260 Bin1 60sec x 21 stacked 

Butterfly Nebula (Sh2-108)

Oct.02, 2022. Hachioji City, Tokyo, JAPAN *under the very bright sky


ASI2400 MC PRO Gain 260 Bin1 180sec x 5 stacked 

The following are sample images taken with CELESTRON RASA8 400mm F2.0.

NOTE: Keep in mind that with an extremely bright f-number optical tube like the RASA8, star light enters the interference filter at non-normal angles of incidence (AOI) to the filter surface, which may cause the features of the spectrum shift to shorter wavelengths, deviating from the original OIII and Hα wavelengths.


Eastern Veil Nebula (NGC6992)

Sep.24, 2022. Numata City, Gunma Prefecture, JAPAN

Celestron RASA8 400mm F2.0

ASI294 MC PRO Gain 260 Bin1 30sec x 10 stacked 

Orion Nebula (M42)

Sep.24, 2022. Numata City, Gunma Prefecture, JAPAN

Celestron RASA8 400mm F2.0

ASI294 MC PRO Gain 260 Bin1 10sec x 22 stacked

YouTube live event: OIII +Hα Dual band Narrow Filter SVBONY SV220 vs IDAS NBZ
